Reviews πŸ’‹ πŸ’• πŸ’…

Hello beauty lovers,  

I got this mascara back in February with some left over birthday money I had. 

I don’t currently have any RIMMEL Mascara in my collection.

 I heard so many good things about this one so I thought I’d give it a try. 

It’s the RIMMEL Scandal Eyes  Rockin Curves Mascara.


I wanted to give it a good testing before I wrote this review. 

I really wanted to like this Mascara and at first I thought It was okay but the more I have used it in the last month I really don’t like it at all. 

In fact I would go as far as saying I find it really disappointing πŸ‘Ž.  

The only thing I liked about it is the mascara made my lashes look really black and I also liked the mascara wand so I’ll probably keep that once I’ve used this mascara and I will use it. I hate wasting beauty products.  

So what was so bad about this particular mascara your probably asking yourself right ?  

Well I curled my lashes with my eye lash curler as usual and then added the first coat of mascara without too much of a problem. 

As soon as you take the wand out of the mascara tube though there are just clumps of mascara on the wand so I tried to wipe the surplus on the back of my hand so it didn’t make a mess but still when you go in to put a second coat of mascara on your lashes which I always do you get that spider leg effect on your lashes which is never a good look πŸ‘Ž.  

I will use this tube of mascara up and I won’t buy it again. 

I think it was around the Β£7 price point which isn’t overly expensive but I’ve had cheaper mascaras then this that have done a better job.  

Overall I would give this mascara a 3/10 I know that sounds harsh but that’s my opinion on this product.  

Such a shame because I’m a real fan of RIMMEL.

 I’ve got a lot of there lip products and I really like them πŸ‘ πŸ’‹

This won’t put me off trying any RIMMEL Mascara in the future if anyone out there knows any good ones please let me know 


Hope you all have had a great weekend  

Andrea πŸ’• πŸ’‹


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